ISLAMABAD: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has taken strict notice against officials involved in exerting political influence in administrative matters.
In an official note issued on Monday, the Member Admin, FBR warned all officials of Inland Revenue and Pakistan Customs to restrained from such activities as same would attract disciplinary action.
The Member said that certain officers in total disregard to rules of Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1964 are exerting political/external pressures and interferences in connection with their posting/transfers etc.
“At the outset let me clarify that it is a misconduct under the Government Servant (Conduct) Rules, 1964 read with Government Rule 2(4) of Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 and attracts strict disciplinary action under the said rules,” the Member said.
“However, at a first step let me warn all these officers to shun this attitude,” the Member said, adding that all these officers have been marked and necessary observations have been placed in their personal dossiers.
He said that such observations would be done of the main considerations at the time of making their all career decisions including promotion and disciplinary proceedings besides placement and rotations.
“Therefore, at the cost of the repetition every officer is once again advised to be cautious of the seriousness of this subject at all times,” the Member added.