Computation of limitation period

Computation of limitation period

ISLAMABAD – A recent amendment to the Sales Tax Act, 1990, introduced through the Finance Act, 2021, sheds light on the computation of the limitation period for appeals or applications.

Section 70 addresses the nuances of this calculation, ensuring fairness and clarity in the legal framework. Let’s delve into the intricacies of Section 70 and its implications.

Text of Section 70 – Sales Tax Act, 1990:

70. Computation of limitation period.–

In computing the period of limitation prescribed for any appeal or application under this Act, the day on which the order complained of was served and, if the concerned person was not furnished with a copy of the order, the time requisite for obtaining a copy of such order shall be excluded.

Key Provisions and Interpretations:

1. Limitation Period for Appeals or Applications:

• Section 70 addresses the computation of the limitation period specified for any appeal or application under the Sales Tax Act, 1990. This limitation period is crucial in determining the timeframe within which a concerned person can file an appeal or application.

2. Exclusion of the Day of Service:

• The section stipulates that in computing the limitation period, the day on which the order complained of was served is to be excluded. This ensures fairness by allowing individuals or entities adequate time to prepare and submit their appeals or applications.

3. Time Requisite for Obtaining a Copy:

• If the concerned person was not furnished with a copy of the order on the day of service, Section 70 allows for the exclusion of the time requisite for obtaining a copy of such order. This acknowledges the practical challenges individuals may face in obtaining the necessary documentation.

Implications of Section 70:

1. Fairness in Limitation Period Calculation:

• Section 70 aims to ensure fairness in the calculation of the limitation period for appeals or applications. By excluding the day of service and considering the time required for obtaining a copy, individuals or entities have a reasonable timeframe to initiate the necessary legal processes.

2. Clarity in Legal Framework:

• The inclusion of Section 70 brings clarity to the legal framework governing the computation of limitation periods. It provides a standardized approach that can be applied uniformly, reducing ambiguity and ensuring consistency in legal proceedings.

3. Acknowledgment of Practical Challenges:

• Recognizing the practical challenges individuals may face in obtaining a copy of the order on the day of service, Section 70 addresses this by allowing for the exclusion of the time requisite for obtaining such documentation. This acknowledgment reflects a practical and realistic approach to legal timelines.

4. Promotion of Timely Legal Action:

• By defining a clear and fair computation method for the limitation period, Section 70 encourages individuals or entities to take timely legal action. This contributes to the efficient functioning of the legal system and ensures that legal remedies are pursued within reasonable timeframes.

Section 70 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, serves as a pivotal provision in the context of legal proceedings related to sales tax matters. By addressing the computation of the limitation period for appeals or applications, this section contributes to fairness, clarity, and efficiency in the legal framework. As legal processes evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, Section 70 ensures that the calculation of limitation periods remains grounded in principles of fairness and practicality. This amendment, introduced through the Finance Act, 2021, reflects a commitment to enhancing the overall effectiveness of the legal framework governing sales tax in Pakistan.