Customs restricted to reopen assessment of consignment
The Customs authorities have been restricted from reopening the assessment of consignment clearance based on incorrect information after a three-year period.
The Customs authorities have been restricted from reopening the assessment of consignment clearance based on incorrect information after a three-year period.
The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issued a clarification on Sunday regarding the recent disturbance in Customs Operations attributed to the upgradation of the FBR Data Center.
KARACHI: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has extended time limit for filing goods declaration in order to facilitate trade considering problems faced during lockdown. The FBR on Monday issued a notification for extension in time limit for filing of goods declaration. The FBR said that it had further extended the time for filing of goods […]
KARACHI: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Monday extended time limit for filing goods declaration to facilitate traders and importers, who were facing difficulties due to lockdown. The FBR extended the time limit for filing of goods declaration from the existing 10 days of arrival of goods to further 15 days (total 25 days) for […]
KARACHI: Importers are required to file goods declaration within 10 days of arrival of goods at the port of entry. The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issued Customs Act, 1969 update till June 30, 2019 incorporating changes brought through Finance Act, 2019. Prior to Finance Act, 2019 the importers were allowed to file goods declaration […]
KARACHI: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has increased services charges by 100 percent for processing each goods declaration (GD) through customs computerized system. The FBR issued SRO 637(I)/2019 to amend its previous SRO 1053(I)/2011 dated November 16, 2011 and enhanced the service charges to Rs500 from Rs250 for processing each GD under the Pakistan Customs […]
KARACHI: The government has reduced the goods declaration filing limit from 15 days to 10 days by proposing amendment to Section 79 of Customs Act, 1969. The Finance Bill 2019 has proposed reduction in time limit of filing GD from 15 days to 10 days. Presently Section 79 of Customs Act, 1969 is as: 79. […]