FBR chairman directs chief commissioners to meet December collection target

FBR chairman directs chief commissioners to meet December collection target

KARACHI: Asim Ahmed, Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Saturday directed chief commissioners to ensure meeting revenue collection target for the month of December 2022.

The FBR chairman visited Large Taxpayers Office (LTO) Karachi and held meeting with Chief Commissioners of all the field formations stationed at Karachi.

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Asim Ahmed reviewed the performance of all Chief Commissioners vis-à-vis targets assigned for the month of December, 2022.

Detailed presentations, outlining the projection and strategy for achieving the budgetary target for the current month were given by all Chief Commissioners Inland Revenue.

The CCIRs gave workable strategy and new avenues for achieving the target set for the month of December, 2022 and closure of 2nd Quarter for the Financial Year 2022-2023.

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FBR chairman directed all CCIRs to leave no stone unturned to safeguard Revenue and to meet the budgetary target fixed for the month of December, 2022 and 2nd quarter ending December 31, 2022.

Chairman FBR further reiterated that facilitation of taxpayers is the harbinger for successful implementation of policies of FBR and taxpayers must be facilitated in resolving their pending issues with the Department, invariably. 

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He also directed the CCIRs that the revenue stuck in appeals should be effectively pursued and cases pending test of appeal should be argued, based on strong legal footings, to win the test of appeal thereby safeguarding the revenue and its realization thereafter.

Asim Ahmed appreciated the field formations on achieving the budget target assigned in the preceding month i.e. November, 2022 and at the same time expected the same zeal and commitment to achieve the targets assigned to them for the Financial Year 2022-2023.

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