Government employees get 15% salary increase

Government employees get 15% salary increase

ISLAMABAD: The government on Friday announced a 15 per cent increase in employees of the federal government.

Finance Minister Miftah Ismail while presenting budget 2022/2023 announced increase in salary of government employees by 15 per cent.

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The finance minister said that despite the fact that country is facing a severe fiscal crisis now we are aware of the hardships faced by government employees.

Price hike has affected the household spending badly, especially that of salaried class but in spite of the severe fiscal difficulties and lack of resources. Salaries of government employees are being increased by 15 per cent in order to improve their purchasing power.

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The basic threshold of taxable salary is proposed to be enhanced to 12 lac from the current 6 lac rupees for salaried individuals. This would pass tens of billions of rupees benefit to salaried people.

This will generate a positive economic cycle whereby this money would get transferred to the businesses as the disposable income of salaried people increases therefore ultimately, the government will benefit through the thriving of the business, the creation of more jobs, and tax revenues in the future.

READ MORE: Federal government presents budget 2022-2023