IRS Officers Association Elects Office Bearers for Term 2024-26

IRS Officers Association Elects Office Bearers for Term 2024-26 – The Association of Inland Revenue Service (IRS) Officers has elected new office bearers for the term 2024-26. The election, held on Wednesday, saw a robust participation from members, resulting in the election of a dynamic leadership team to steer the association forward.

According to provisional results, Waseem Hayat Bajwa has been elected President of the Association, securing a commendable 661 votes. His election is expected to bring a fresh perspective to the leadership of the IRS Officers Association.

Naib Ali Pathan emerged victorious in the race for Senior Vice President, obtaining 547 votes. For the position of Executive Vice President, Nafeesa Satti won with 502 votes, demonstrating her strong support base within the association.

Ali Saleh Hayat Kalyar was elected General Secretary with an impressive 670 votes, showcasing his popularity and the trust members place in his leadership capabilities. Ghulam Mustafa Dogar was elected Joint Secretary, having secured 504 votes.

The roles of Press Secretary and Treasurer were also filled, with Sohail Anjum and Riffat Aziz being elected, respectively. Their elections complete a team expected to advocate effectively for the rights and interests of IRS officers.

The new leadership team assumes their roles amid several pressing challenges. Notably, the recent transfers and postings by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) have created a stir within the service, necessitating strong leadership to address these concerns.

During the election campaign, the new office bearers pledged to fight for the rights of IRS officers, particularly focusing on improving salaries and other perks. This commitment to advocating for better working conditions and remuneration reflects the primary concerns of many members of the association.

As the new office bearers take charge, members of the IRS Officers Association are looking forward to a tenure marked by proactive leadership and tangible improvements in their professional lives. The elected team’s promise to address the recent administrative changes and fight for enhanced benefits is expected to resonate well with the broader membership base.

The incoming leadership faces the dual task of managing internal challenges while ensuring that the IRS Officers Association remains a formidable voice in negotiations with the FBR and other governmental bodies. With their election, there is a renewed sense of optimism and anticipation for positive change within the association.