Karachi Industrialists Demand Full Restoration of Electricity

Karachi Industrialists Demand Full Restoration of Electricity

PkRevenue.com – Karachi industrialists on Saturday called upon K-Electric to fully restore electricity to factories and manufacturing units in the city.

Iftikhar Ahmed Sheikh, President of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), and Mohammad Kamran Arbi, President of the Site Association of Industry (SAI), expressed deep concerns over the prolonged delays in the restoration of power supply to the Site industrial area.

The power outage stems from a fire incident at the Haroonabad Grid Station, which occurred seven days ago. Since then, K-Electric (KE) has struggled to fully restore electricity, causing significant operational disruptions and financial losses for industrialists in the area.

In a joint statement, the Presidents of KCCI and SAI urged KE to expedite the restoration of electricity to ensure that production activities can return to normal in Karachi. The ongoing outage, they noted, has already inflicted substantial losses on businesses, and the continued delay threatens to exacerbate these damages.

“The industrialists are considering legal action to seek compensation for the losses incurred due to KE’s negligence,” they added. The prolonged electricity cut has not only halted production but also jeopardized the employment of daily wage workers in Karachi, who are now facing severe financial difficulties.

The industrial leaders warned that the suspension of operations in many Karachi Site industries could have broader economic repercussions. It could negatively impact the overall economy and reduce exports, further straining the country’s financial health. The disruption in production also threatens the livelihoods of numerous daily wage workers who rely on these industries for their income.

Given the severity of the situation, Sheikh and Arbi emphasized the need for KE’s management to address the issue urgently. They called for the restoration of electricity on a priority basis to prevent further losses and to ensure that industrial operations can resume smoothly. Restoring power swiftly, they argued, is essential not only for the industries but also for the economic well-being of the workers dependent on these jobs.

The industrialists hope that KE will act promptly and effectively to resolve the crisis, thereby safeguarding the industrial sector and the many families who depend on it for their livelihoods.