PM Shehbaz Invites Chinese Firms to Set up Industry in Pakistan

PM Shehbaz Invites Chinese Firms to Set up Industry in Pakistan

( – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday extended a warm invitation to Chinese companies, particularly those in the textile sector, to establish their industries in Pakistan.

Assuring comprehensive support and facilitation from his government, Prime Minister Shehbaz emphasized the significance of Pakistan-China cooperation in driving the country’s development.

Chairing a meeting focused on enhancing Pakistan-China economic relations, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif underscored China’s role as a key partner in Pakistan’s progress. He expressed Pakistan’s keen interest in expanding collaboration with China across various sectors, including agriculture, information technology, energy, and increasing exports to China. The meeting, attended by several federal ministers and senior officials, highlighted the government’s strategic approach to leveraging Chinese investment and expertise.

Prime Minister Shehbaz reassured Chinese companies of the government’s commitment to providing a secure and conducive environment for their operations in Pakistan. He mentioned that a comprehensive security plan had already been formulated to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals working in the country. This commitment to security is aimed at fostering a sense of confidence among Chinese investors, ensuring that their investments and personnel are well-protected.

A significant portion of the discussion centered around the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), with Prime Minister Shehbaz emphasizing preparations for its second phase. He highlighted the transformative potential of CPEC, particularly in making Gwadar Port a logistics hub. The second phase of CPEC is set to include the establishment of Agriculture Demonstration Zones, which will serve as centers for agricultural innovation and collaboration between the two nations.

Prime Minister Shehbaz directed the relevant ministries to gear up for launching new projects in partnership with Chinese firms, stressing the importance of enhancing business-to-business linkages. The goal is to create an environment where Pakistani and Chinese businesses can collaborate more effectively, driving mutual growth and development.

During the meeting, various ministries presented their proposals aimed at bolstering the economic relationship between Pakistan and China. These proposals covered a wide range of areas, reflecting the diverse opportunities for cooperation. The Prime Minister emphasized the need for a coordinated approach to ensure that these initiatives align with the broader objectives of enhancing bilateral trade and investment.

A key focus of the meeting was the potential for boosting Pakistan’s exports to China. Prime Minister Shehbaz highlighted the need for a strategic approach in this regard, suggesting that China could play a pivotal role in helping Pakistan develop and implement effective export strategies. By tapping into China’s vast market and leveraging its expertise, Pakistan aims to increase its export volumes, thereby contributing to economic stability and growth.

The meeting was attended by a number of high-ranking officials, including Federal Ministers Ahsan Iqbal, Jam Kamal Khan, Ahad Khan Cheema, Muhammad Aurangzeb, Attaullah Tarar, Dr. Musaddik Malik, Rana Tanveer Hussain, Awais Ahmed Leghari, and Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh. State Minister Shaza Fatima Khawaja, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Tariq Fatemi, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Jahanzeb Khan, and other senior officers were also present. This high-level participation underscores the importance the government places on strengthening Pakistan-China relations and ensuring the successful implementation of collaborative projects.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s invitation to Chinese firms to set up industries in Pakistan marks a significant step in deepening the economic ties between the two countries. With a focus on sectors such as textiles, agriculture, IT, and energy, the government aims to create a robust framework for bilateral cooperation. The assurance of security and comprehensive support from the Pakistani government is expected to foster a conducive environment for Chinese investments. As the second phase of CPEC approaches, both nations are poised to benefit from enhanced economic collaboration, driving growth and development in the region.