Sales Tax Act 1990: return filing requirement by registered persons

Sales Tax Act 1990: return filing requirement by registered persons

KARACHI: A sales tax registered person is required to file true and correct sales tax return on monthly basis by providing details of supplies and persons whom the supplies were made during the period.

According to updated Sales Tax Act, 1990 issued by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the Section 26 explained the requirement of filing sales tax return by registered persons.

Section 26: Return

Sub-Section (1): Every registered person hall furnish not later than the due date a true and correct return in the prescribed form to a designated bank or any other office specified by the Board [FBR], indicating the purchases and the supplies made during a tax period, the tax due and paid and such other information, as may be prescribed;

Provided that the Board may, by notification in the official Gazette, require any person or class of persons to submit return on quarterly basis:

Provided further that the Board may, by notification in the official Gazette, require any person or class of persons to submit such return as may be prescribed annually in addition to the monthly return or quarterly return:

Provided also that the return filed electronically on the web or any magnetic media or any other computer readable media as may be specified by the Board shall also be deemed to be a return for the purpose of sub-section (1) and the Board may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for determining eligibility of the data of such returns and e-intermediaries who will digitize the data of such returns and transmit the same electronically under their digital signatures.

Sub-Section (2): omitted

Sub-Section (3): A registered person may, subject to approval of the Commissioner Inland Revenue having jurisdiction, file a revised return within one hundred and twenty days of the filing of return under sub-section (1) or, as the case may be, sub-section (2), or under clause (a) or clause (b) of section 27, to correct any omission or wrong declaration made therein.

Sub-Section (4): Notwithstanding the penalties prescribed in section 33, if a registered person wishes to file revised return voluntarily along with deposit of the amount of tax short paid or amount of tax evaded along with default surcharge, whenever it comes to his notice, before receipt of notice of audit, no penalty shall be recovered from him:

Provided that in case the registered person wishes to deposit the amount of tax as pointed out by the officer of Inland Revenue during the audit, or at any time before issuance of the show cause notice, he may deposit the evaded amount of tax, default surcharge under section (34), and twenty five percent of the penalty payable under section 33 along with the levied return:

Provided further that in case the registered person wishes to deposit the amount after issuance of show cause notice, he shall deposit the evaded amount of sales tax, default surcharge under section 34, and full amount of leviable penalty under section 33 along with the revised return and thereafter, the show cause notice, shall stands abated.

Sub-Section (5): The Board may, by notification in the official Gazette, require any person or class of persons, for any goods of such description or class, to furnish such summary or details or particulars pertaining to the imports, purchases and supplies during any tax period or periods, in such format as may be specified.