SBP sells treasury bills worth Rs2,107.51 billion in auction State Bank of Pakistan

SBP sells treasury bills worth Rs2,107.51 billion in auction

KARACHI – In a successful auction held on Wednesday, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) raised a substantial amount of Rs2,107.51 billion through the sale of Market Treasury Bills (MTBs).

The central bank received robust bids totaling Rs2,191.8 billion for 3 and six-month securities papers with a face value of Rs2,245 billion. However, the SBP accepted bids amounting to Rs2,107.51 billion at the face value of Rs2,158.6 billion for both maturities.

Commercial banks demonstrated a notable interest in investing in short-term maturities, particularly the three-month MTBs. The SBP accepted bids worth Rs2,106.32 billion for three-month MTBs at a face value of Rs2,157.35 billion. This acceptance came against the offer of Rs2,184.86 billion at a face value of Rs2,237.8 billion.

For the six-month MTBs, the central bank accepted bids worth Rs1.187 billion at a face value of Rs1.25 billion, compared to the offer of Rs6.93 billion at a face value of Rs7.3 billion.

The cut-off yield for the three-month and six-month maturities stood at 10.55 percent and 10.59 percent, respectively. These rates indicate the return investors can expect on their investment in these short-term government securities.

The SBP had set a target of Rs100 billion for the sale of MTBs at this auction, and the response from the market surpassed expectations. The auction’s success reflects the confidence of investors, particularly commercial banks, in the stability and attractiveness of short-term government securities.

The issuance of MTBs is a crucial tool for the government to manage its short-term borrowing needs while providing a secure investment avenue for financial institutions. These instruments play a pivotal role in the overall monetary policy framework, helping the central bank regulate liquidity in the financial system.

The strong demand for three-month MTBs suggests that investors, especially commercial banks, are looking for short-term and secure investment opportunities. The acceptance of bids for both maturities indicates a healthy appetite for government securities in the market.

The cut-off yields, though slightly elevated, are in line with prevailing market conditions and are likely to be viewed favorably by investors seeking competitive returns in the current economic environment.

As the SBP continues to conduct regular auctions of government securities, the market will closely monitor investor response and interest rates to gauge the economic sentiment and the central bank’s policy stance.

The successful auction of MTBs by the State Bank of Pakistan underscores the confidence of investors in the country’s financial instruments. The positive response from the market bodes well for the government’s borrowing program and reflects the continued attractiveness of short-term government securities for investors in Pakistan.