Customs destroys counterfeit products worth Rs120 million

Customs destroys counterfeit products worth Rs120 million

Pakistan Customs took a significant step on Wednesday by destroying a substantial quantity of counterfeit products valued at Rs120 million.

This action underscores the government’s commitment to enforcing laws related to intellectual property rights, as these counterfeit goods have had a detrimental impact on the national economy, resulting in the loss of approximately Rs60 million in duty and taxes.

Dr. Arsalan Subuktageen, Director General of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), emphasized the adverse effects of smuggled counterfeit goods on the national economy. “The destruction of seized counterfeit products will not only enforce intellectual property rights but also support multinational companies,” he stated. This marks the first such initiative taken by customs authorities in Pakistan to eradicate counterfeit products from the market.

The counterfeited products that were destroyed included items from renowned leading brands. These brands have been adversely affected by the presence of counterfeit products in the market, leading to potential revenue losses for legitimate businesses. Multinational companies have been diligently paying duties and taxes on the manufacturing and sale of genuine products, and the prevalence of counterfeit goods undermines their efforts to operate within a fair and competitive market.

Ali Yousuf, Manager at Unilever Pakistan Limited, who was present during the destruction of counterfeit goods, highlighted the importance of providing standard and authentic products to consumers. He commended the collaborative effort between Unilever and the customs authorities in addressing this issue. The cooperation between the private sector and government entities is instrumental in combating the production and distribution of counterfeit products.

Counterfeit goods pose various challenges, including economic losses, consumer safety concerns, and damage to brand reputation. By taking decisive action against these products, Pakistan Customs aims to protect consumers and support legitimate businesses while upholding the principles of intellectual property rights.

Enforcing intellectual property rights is crucial not only for preserving fair competition but also for fostering innovation and creativity. It ensures that the creators and manufacturers of genuine products are rewarded for their efforts, which, in turn, encourages investment and growth in various industries.

The destruction of counterfeit products sends a strong message to those involved in the production and distribution of such goods, emphasizing that intellectual property rights will be rigorously protected. It serves as a deterrent against counterfeiting and smuggling, further securing the nation’s economic interests.

While this action represents a significant step toward safeguarding intellectual property rights in Pakistan, it is essential for ongoing collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as international cooperation, to combat counterfeiting effectively. The government, industry leaders, and consumers all play vital roles in this effort, and the commitment to protecting intellectual property rights should remain steadfast in the face of evolving challenges in the global marketplace.

In conclusion, the destruction of counterfeit products by Pakistan Customs underscores the government’s dedication to preserving intellectual property rights and protecting the national economy. It also acknowledges the importance of upholding fair competition and fostering innovation. This decisive action reflects a collaborative effort between customs authorities and multinational companies and serves as a deterrent against counterfeit goods in the market.