ISLAMABAD: The Finance Bill 2020 has made amendments to Customs Act, 1969 and made it mandatory for a person alleged of any offence is required to prove that property acquired by him is not from proceed of crime.
The Finance Bill 2020 proposed to amend Section 187 of Customs Act, 1969. Following amendment has been proposed (changes in red):
187. Burden of proof as to lawful authority etc.- When any person is alleged to have committed an offence under this Act and any question arises whether he did any act or was in possession of anything with lawful authority or under a permit, license or other document prescribed by or under any law for the time being in force, the burden of proving that he had such authority, permit, license or other document shall lie on him:
“Provided that any person, alleged to have committed an offence under this Act, shall bear the burden of proof that any property owned by him in his name or someone else name was not acquired from the proceeds of such crime:
Provided further that the procedure for forfeiture of such property shall be prescribed by the Board under the rules.”;