FBR extends last date for payment and return filing

FBR extends last date for payment and return filing

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has extended the last date for payment and filing of returns for the month of July 2021. The decision, communicated through a circular, offers additional time for businesses and individuals to meet their obligations, acknowledging the challenges posed by various factors, including the evolving economic landscape and ongoing global uncertainties.

The FBR’s circular outlines the extension of the date for payment and submission of sales tax and federal excise returns specifically for the tax period of July 2021. The original due dates for these transactions were set in mid-August 2021.

As per the circular, the FBR has extended the date for the payment of sales tax and federal excise return, originally slated for August 15, 2021. Taxpayers now have until August 23, 2021, to complete their payment transactions without incurring any penalties or late fees.

Additionally, the date for the submission of sales tax and federal excise return, initially due on August 18, 2021, has also been extended. Taxpayers now have until August 24, 2021, to submit their returns, providing an extra buffer to ensure accurate and timely filings.

The FBR’s decision to extend these deadlines reflects a commitment to facilitating taxpayers during challenging times. It recognizes the need for flexibility in response to unforeseen circumstances that may impact businesses and individuals alike.

While the extension offers temporary relief, tax experts emphasize the importance of using this additional time wisely. Taxpayers are encouraged to utilize the extended deadlines to review their financial records, ensure accuracy in their filings, and meet their obligations diligently.

This extension aligns with the FBR’s broader strategy to foster a culture of compliance and ease the burden on taxpayers navigating complex tax regulations. The acknowledgment of the current economic challenges demonstrates the FBR’s responsiveness to the evolving needs of the business community and individuals.

As the extended deadlines approach, taxpayers are urged to stay informed about any further updates or changes in regulations. Proactive communication with tax advisors and authorities can help ensure a smooth and trouble-free experience during the extended filing period.

The FBR’s decision to extend the last date for payment and filing of returns for the month of July 2021 reflects a pragmatic approach to support taxpayers. This measure is expected to provide much-needed breathing room for businesses and individuals grappling with the economic uncertainties and challenges posed by the prevailing conditions.