Pakistan Plans 10 New Software Technology Parks Next Year

Pakistan Plans 10 New Software Technology Parks Next Year

ISLAMABAD, May 22, 2024 — Pakistan is set to enhance its technological infrastructure with the establishment of 10 new Software Technology Parks across the country by next year.

This initiative was outlined during a briefing by the Ministry of Information Technology to a high-level meeting chaired by Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad on Wednesday.

The briefing also revealed plans to set up 100 new e-employment centers by next year. These centers aim to facilitate digital job opportunities and bridge the employment gap in the rapidly evolving tech sector.

A highlight of the meeting was the Islamabad IT Park project, which is slated for completion next year with significant cooperation from South Korea. This park will serve as a comprehensive hub for the tech community, providing startups with essential resources such as incubation centers, banking services, and dining options. The initiative is expected to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.

Additionally, South Korea is collaborating with Pakistan on another significant IT park project near Jinnah International Airport in Karachi. This ambitious project is scheduled for completion by 2027 and is poised to become a key player in Karachi’s technology landscape.

Currently, Pakistan boasts 43 software technology parks spread across 29 cities. These parks are instrumental in driving the country’s IT growth and exports. The new parks, combined with the existing infrastructure, are expected to further solidify Pakistan’s position as a burgeoning tech hub.

Prime Minister Sharif emphasized the critical role of IT parks in boosting the nation’s IT growth and export capabilities. “The establishment of these IT parks will significantly contribute to Pakistan’s economic development by providing vital facilities to startups and fostering a conducive environment for technological advancement,” he said. He also urged that the construction of the Islamabad IT Park be expedited to ensure timely completion.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Sharif directed the Ministry of Information Technology to conduct a third-party evaluation of the performance of existing software technology parks. This evaluation aims to ensure that these facilities are meeting their objectives and contributing effectively to the country’s tech sector.

The government’s proactive approach in expanding its tech infrastructure underscores its commitment to harnessing the potential of the digital economy. The planned IT parks and e-employment centers are expected to create numerous opportunities for innovation, job creation, and economic growth, positioning Pakistan as a competitive player in the global tech industry.