Saudi Arabia Launches Action Against Unauthorized Hajj Pilgrims

Saudi Arabia Launches Action Against Unauthorized Hajj Pilgrims – Saudi Arabia has initiated strict measures to curb unauthorized Hajj pilgrimages, imposing fines of up to Saudi Riyal (SAR) 10,000 and deportation for violators starting June 2, 2024.

The crackdown targets those undertaking the pilgrimage without the necessary permits, as part of the Kingdom’s efforts to ensure orderly and safe Hajj practices.

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported that the “no-permit, no-Hajj” policy will be enforced across several key locations. These include Makkah city, central areas, holy sites, the Haramain train station, security checkpoints, screening centers, and temporary security checkpoints. The regulation will remain in effect until June 20, 2024, aiming to manage the influx of pilgrims and maintain security.

Additionally, severe penalties are in place for individuals found transporting unauthorized pilgrims. Offenders may face imprisonment for up to six months, fines reaching SAR 50,000, and confiscation of their vehicles. Non-citizen violators will be deported after serving their sentences and banned from re-entering Saudi Arabia for a specified period.

The fines will be compounded based on the number of violators transported, with repeat offenders facing doubled penalties. This strict enforcement underscores the Kingdom’s commitment to adhering to Hajj regulations, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pilgrims.

Saudi Arabia Public Security has emphasized the importance of complying with these regulations. They have highlighted the necessity of maintaining the security, comfort, and peace of pilgrims, referred to as Allah’s guests, during their sacred rituals. The measures are intended to prevent overcrowding and ensure a smooth Hajj experience for those with proper permits.

Authorities have also provided a hotline for reporting violations, urging the public to contact (911) in Makkah, Riyadh, and the Eastern regions, or (999) in other regions. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to ensure the Hajj season proceeds without incident and in accordance with established guidelines.

As the Hajj season approaches, the Kingdom remains steadfast in its efforts to regulate and monitor the pilgrimage, ensuring that all participants can perform their religious duties in a secure and orderly environment.