Toyota Boosts EV Battery Production by Acquiring PEVE Subsidiary

Toyota Boosts EV Battery Production by Acquiring PEVE Subsidiary

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and Panasonic Holdings Corporation (Panasonic HD) have inked an agreement aimed at bolstering their prowess in the mass production of automotive batteries. As part of this strategic move, Primearth EV Energy Co., Ltd. (PEVE) is set to become a fully owned subsidiary of TMC.

The acquisition is slated to be finalized by the end of March, marking a significant step forward for both companies in the electric vehicle (EV) sector.

Currently, among Toyota-affiliated entities, PEVE, along with Toyota Industries Corporation and Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc. (a joint venture owned 51 percent by Toyota and 49 percent by Panasonic HD), are engaged in the mass production of batteries primarily for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).

Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc. also manufactures batteries for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Toyota intends to maintain its collaborative efforts with these companies in both battery mass production and development.

With this agreement, PEVE is poised to broaden its production to include batteries for BEVs and PHEVs. This expansion into a diverse range of electric vehicle batteries will equip Toyota with the agility needed to meet the escalating demand for batteries while simultaneously enhancing its competitiveness in mass production.

The enhanced battery capabilities are anticipated to augment the attractiveness of Toyota’s electric vehicle lineup, aligning with the company’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality through various avenues.

By diversifying its electric vehicle offerings and strengthening its battery production capabilities, Toyota is positioning itself as a key player in the global transition towards sustainable transportation.

The collaboration between Toyota and Panasonic HD underscores a concerted effort to fortify their position in the electric vehicle market.

Through the acquisition of PEVE and the expansion of battery production to include BEVs and PHEVs, Toyota aims to cater to evolving consumer demands while advancing its sustainability objectives.