President Alvi Calls for Promoting Compassion and Tolerance on Ashura

President Alvi Calls for Promoting Compassion and Tolerance on Ashura

Islamabad, July 29, 2023 – On the solemn occasion of Yaum-e-Ashura, President Dr. Arif Alvi delivered a heartfelt message, urging all Pakistanis to embrace compassion, tolerance, and unity to foster the development and prosperity of the nation.

Speaking on Friday, President Alvi called upon his fellow countrymen to set aside their differences and focus on promoting the core principles of Islam. He emphasized the importance of adopting the teachings of Imam Hussain (RA) and drawing inspiration from his unwavering courage and steadfastness in the face of adversity.

Yaum-e-Ashura commemorates the unparalleled sacrifice of Imam Hussain (RA), the beloved grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who laid down his life in the Battle of Karbala in a struggle between truth and falsehood and to safeguard Islamic values. The president highlighted that Imam Hussain’s (RA) stance against the tyrannical ruler Yazid was not driven by a thirst for power or vengeance; instead, it was a principled stand for justice and the preservation of Islamic values and society from corruption and oppression.

President Alvi underlined the timeless lesson from Imam Hussain’s (RA) sacrifice: the refusal to bow to injustice and the determination to raise one’s voice against wrongdoing, regardless of the consequences. He praised Imam Hussain’s companions for their loyalty, righteousness, and unwavering support during the turmoil of Karbala, demonstrating the importance of standing by those who strive for truth and justice.

Reflecting on the Battle of Karbala, the president emphasized the significance of selflessness and sacrifice for a greater cause. Despite being outnumbered, Imam Hussain (RA) steadfastly clung to the principles and values of Islam, even sacrificing his life and the lives of his family and companions to protect the true teachings of the religion.

President Alvi called upon Muslims worldwide to take inspiration from Imam Hussain’s (RA) sacrifice and selflessness, urging them to prioritize the betterment of society and humanity over personal comfort and desires.

Moreover, on Yaum-e-Ashur, President Alvi urged everyone to remember the importance of dialogue and understanding among different schools of thought, reinforcing the need for unity and cooperation to uphold the values symbolizing Imam Hussain’s (RA) sacrifice.

As he concluded his address, President Alvi prayed for divine guidance and the ability to learn from Imam Hussain’s (RA) sacrifices, encouraging the nation to move forward with courage, perseverance, and boldness in the pursuit of a united and harmonious Pakistan.

In the spirit of Yaum-e-Ashura, the president’s message resonated with millions across the country, inspiring them to embrace compassion, tolerance, and solidarity as they strive for a brighter and more prosperous future for Pakistan.

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